Thursday, July 29, 2010

Hot as the Desert, Cold as Ice

Tuesday nights dinner was in a Moroccan desert. It was so freaking hot in the restaurant, and we sat Moroccan style. At a short table, with our legs squished up against it. My one request was to go to a Lebanese restaurant. Mom got Lebanese confused with Moroccan (the only fault of the trip!!). Aren't they all the same? No, they aren't the same, but they do have some similarities. This restaurant did not have all of my Lebanese favs like hummus, baba ganoush, kibby, grape leaves, yogurt dip, fattoush, falafel, spanakopita. I fell in love with these yummies when I studied abroad, and if anyone knows me, they will be at my wedding -- if I am lucky enough to get married one day.

All I could focus on was how hot the restaurant was and my mother was nagging me because I wasn't being a good conversationalist. Hell. The only thing I could do to alleviate my agitation was think about the Absolut Ice Bar next door. This bar was on my sister and my list of things to do while in London, but we had convinced ourselves we would not get there. So, when it was conveniently located next door to the hottest (temperature) restaurant, it was a fait accompli.

My ever so diligent sister looked at her watch and said it was 11:30. She mentioned that she thought the Ice Bar was going to close, and typical me, I said, "No way, you're crazy." But, I was so over the restaurant that I got myself up to check and what do you know the last entry started at 11:30. I quickly purchased tickets for me, Alma, Parker, and Blood, and we were on our way in for a much needed cool down.

Talk about a serious attitude adjustment for me! I went from being a pill to being ready to P-A-R-T-Y! The Ice Bar only lets you stay in for 30 minutes, so you don't freeze. Thus, we scurried around to get our drinks in frozen ice glasses -- super sugary drinks might I add -- goofed around and took lots of photos. Total redemption to the night. Especially when we headed back to the Sloane Club bar to drink wine with the rents and our new friends who will remain anonymous for their own sake. It turned out to be quite a night.

Back at the Sloane Club, Dad doubled as a bartender.

White Pelicans

Did you know such a thing existed?
My sister and I decided that if we ever open a pub in New Orleans, we will call it White Pelicans.

The Morgan Family in a Nutshell

If you know my family, then no explanation is needed.

Alexander, this post is for you!

After a wonderful trip to Westminster Abbey, we settled down in a pub for a traditional pub meal. It might have been my favorite meal the whole trip due to the uniqueness of their traditional fare -- meat pies, sausages, fish and chips, mushy peas, Yorkshire pudding, gravy. Its so fascinating to me that these items are their go to staples. Al, if you're curious, mom and I settled on the Bloody Mary sausages, which we decided were too mushy, and the sampling of meat pies. :)

The Queen's Garden Party

No, we did not have an opportunity to meet the Queen with the rest of the United Kingdom for her annual garden party, but that's just OK with me. We got to take in the sights related to the Queen's Garden Party. A bunch of Brits dressed in their finest fashion to meet the Queen, and they say Americans have bad taste. Whew!

Probably the best dressed couple in attendance

Brits were invited to the event for their charitable work. The town crier was gracious and took a picture with the Morgan family. (P.S. If you click on the pictures, you can see a bigger version of these fine outfits)

Sistas Night Out in Angel

Ashley was so excited to get to London to see her two besties, Parker and Phil (a.k.a. Blood or Youngberg). They were in contact over facebook, email and phone to pick a meeting spot for Monday night. The destination was Angelic Pub at the Angel tube stop. While the pub was absolutely precious and the company superb, we later found out Angel isn't necessarily the most desirable area of London, especially for your first night in town. It did not matter when you are surrounded by good friends. Ashley had a little incident, and she and Parker went on an hour detour to find what she needed -- and this wonderful place too.

That left me and Blood to discuss life for an hour or so. Parker and Blood are going to be rich and famous one day. I can't wait to say, "Remember when..."

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

The Plane Ride Over the Pond and Jet Lag on Day 1

On Sunday morning July 18, we departed MSY for London. While everyone was excited about our big adventure, my sister could not contain her excitement for spending eight days straight with me. Our special time together, more commonly referred to as "simple lovin", began on the eight hour flight over to Gatwick.

Lynn S's plane ride hors d'oeuvres. A true savior since Delta served chicken and grits of terrible quality. If only the Concorde was still around.... On the plane ride over, I read from my late grandmother Mimi's journal where she rode the Concorde with my great-grandmother Maw-Maw and my godmother, Deborah, more commonly known as Woo. They served caviar, shrimp and pate for starters, smoked salmon and Alaskan King Crab for second course, filet with mushrooms, string beans, potatoes and salad for third course, cheese and crackers for fourth course and strawberries and whipped cream for fifth course. Wine, champagne and liquor accompaniments with each. Little did I know reading her journal was foreshadowing every meal we had in London.


Alma getting annoyed with me getting in her space.

MTM asleep, photo compliments of the agitated sister.

We arrived at Victoria Station from Gatwick at 8:45 AM. So many people! I guess it was rush hour, but I forget how many people populate this world. If you are a people watcher like many of my friends are, this would have been your heaven. Outfits and situations galore. We got in a cab from Victoria Station, and we headed to the Sloane Club. Our home in Chelsea for the next four nights. If you ask my sister about the Sloane Club, she'll tell you that she has never ever slept in a more comfortable bed.

In an attempt to ward off our jet lag, we hopped on the Big Bus Tour. I highly recommend the tour. You can see all the sights in 3 hours, which clears up time for roaming around and shopping. Here is a sample of our sights, at least the ones I saw before I started head bobbing.

The Tower of London

Heads were once placed on these dykes

Oldest building in London

These dragons guard the city of London


Big Ben

Trafalgar Square

Her Majesty's Theatre

A picture of the SATC billboard is a must

After a the bus tour, we ended up at the Woseley for a delicious lunch. I had the duck confit, dad had the steak tartare, mom had cheese souffle and Ashley had the most delicious chicken salad with peas and edamame. The waiter told her she was American for ordering the chicken salad. Well duh. But, this chicken salad was nothing like I have ever tasted in America, and it also reaffirmed my love affair with peas.

With a couple of glasses of wine in us and a lot of jet lag, we headed back to the hotel for a nap. Mom and Dad's room was not ready, so the four of us passed out for a nice long nap on top of one King sized bed. Now that is a picture I wish I had.