Sunday, July 4, 2010

Back in Action

Thanks to Maureen Dowd, my blog is back in action. I love to write, and that's why I started this blog. Apparently, its not interesting enough yet, but this blog will do us all well in good time.

"Sometimes the thing that's weird about you is the thing that's cool about you. When you're young, and even at times when you're older, it's hard to fathom this: What needs to be nurtured is the stuff that's different, that set's you apart from the pack, rather than the stuff that helps you blend in. On this Independence Day, if you're passionate about it - even (or espescially) if no one else is - let your freak flag fly." - Maureen Dowd

Read the rest of the article here.

Stand by folks, I'm letting my freak flag fly. I promise I won't freak you out with vampires, but this will be good. And, you're welcome to offer suggestions so topics like Books on my Bedside Table don't bore you to death. Admit it. You're just jealous.

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