Thursday, July 8, 2010

Excuse Me Does the Pepper Bother You?

The reason why Flaming Torch is always empty is because the service is not up to New Orleans standards. The waiter messed with me from the moment I sat down. The prices for this no name restaurant are exorbitant, so yes, I was a little bit nervous to be eating there on any given Thursday night. Especially, when I have limited funds, and I choose to spend them wisely.

Courtney ordered a bottle of pinot noir. He did not have it. After 20 minutes of sitting at the table, I had to ask him to bring me the food menus. I wanted to know what the 15 dollar chef appetizer was, he did not know.

P.S. The restaurant was empty. The only other table was Big Rob Daddy and Kitse, who dropped a few benjamins on a Thursday night. So, that being said, we SHOULD have gotten exquisite service but this kid with terrible fake dreads did not know his shit, and.....

He made fun of my BLOG!!!!!! He was freaking eavesdropping on our conversation, listening to me talk about how Obamacare upsets me. He asked me if I was going to blog about it. I wasn't, but he made me so mad I have to blog about it.

Furthermore, I ordered scallops from the appetizer menu. Apparently, I didn't read the menu closely enough because in the middle of the 90+ degree weather, they serve HOT scallops in melted cheese!! We are not in Maine, we are in New Orleans, where you serve scallops with mango and basil in the middle of the summer, not Gruyere.

Oh, and if that's not enough, I had very nervous tendencies tonight because I have a big decision looming over my head. So, I was tapping the pepper upside down on the table, and this dude had the audacity to take the pepper shaker out of my hand and aggressively turn it right side up. This minuscule amount of pepper wasn't going to make a difference in his clean up process. He had globs of hot cheese -- and no cheese plate -- in the kitchen to worry about.

So, needless to say, don't go to the Flaming Torch. They do not know the definition of customer service. And the food leaves much to be desired.

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