Thursday, July 29, 2010

Hot as the Desert, Cold as Ice

Tuesday nights dinner was in a Moroccan desert. It was so freaking hot in the restaurant, and we sat Moroccan style. At a short table, with our legs squished up against it. My one request was to go to a Lebanese restaurant. Mom got Lebanese confused with Moroccan (the only fault of the trip!!). Aren't they all the same? No, they aren't the same, but they do have some similarities. This restaurant did not have all of my Lebanese favs like hummus, baba ganoush, kibby, grape leaves, yogurt dip, fattoush, falafel, spanakopita. I fell in love with these yummies when I studied abroad, and if anyone knows me, they will be at my wedding -- if I am lucky enough to get married one day.

All I could focus on was how hot the restaurant was and my mother was nagging me because I wasn't being a good conversationalist. Hell. The only thing I could do to alleviate my agitation was think about the Absolut Ice Bar next door. This bar was on my sister and my list of things to do while in London, but we had convinced ourselves we would not get there. So, when it was conveniently located next door to the hottest (temperature) restaurant, it was a fait accompli.

My ever so diligent sister looked at her watch and said it was 11:30. She mentioned that she thought the Ice Bar was going to close, and typical me, I said, "No way, you're crazy." But, I was so over the restaurant that I got myself up to check and what do you know the last entry started at 11:30. I quickly purchased tickets for me, Alma, Parker, and Blood, and we were on our way in for a much needed cool down.

Talk about a serious attitude adjustment for me! I went from being a pill to being ready to P-A-R-T-Y! The Ice Bar only lets you stay in for 30 minutes, so you don't freeze. Thus, we scurried around to get our drinks in frozen ice glasses -- super sugary drinks might I add -- goofed around and took lots of photos. Total redemption to the night. Especially when we headed back to the Sloane Club bar to drink wine with the rents and our new friends who will remain anonymous for their own sake. It turned out to be quite a night.

Back at the Sloane Club, Dad doubled as a bartender.

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