Thursday, August 12, 2010

Happy Birthday to the Best Mom in the World!!

My mom may not see this tribute to her on her birthday, since reading my blog remains on her to do list. Around the house, there are tablets with lists of things my mom needs to do, and I kid you not "Read MTM's blog" is written prominently in the middle of the tablet and circled a few times. (I tried to get Alma to snap a photo of this wonder, but my mother recently cleaned the entire house and threw away her to do lists even though she hadn't completed all of the tasks).

So, Mom, if you are in cyberspace reading this post to you:


Everyone thinks their mom is the greatest, but I really do. You are a terrific planner who plans wonderful celebrations. You bend over backward to get things accomplished. You give 110% to everything because you want everything to be perfect.

I even love the looks you give me when I need to sit up straight, take smaller bites, do not approve of my outfit, need to join in the conversation. While the looks are annoying at the start, I know you are trying to make me a better person. I appreciate your pushing me to always go the extra mile.

Tonight we will celebrate with champagne, cake and presents at the house, and then we will attend a family party at the de Laureals house. Mom technically already celebrated her birthday on our trip to London at our stay at Lords of the Manor, the most divine small luxury hotels of the world. What is cool about this place is Mom and Dad came here on their 5th wedding anniversary, and Mimi and Grandad followed soon thereafter to experience the wonder of which Mom and Dad raved.

While at Lords of the Manor, we celebrated with tea, crumpets and champagne on the lawn. We then retreated to our rooms to freshen up, and then we had a 5 course meal in their 2 Michelin Star restaurant. Chef Alma remarked that she was on, "Cloud Nine," and that was enough to please my mom forever. My mom does not like things, she likes moments and experiences, and I know this dinner was a favorite for her.

Mom, Happy Birthday. Enjoy your day. You deserve it. I love being a Margaret with you, and thank you for teaching me everything I know. I aspire to be as great as you are. XOXO

1 comment:

  1. My mother read the blog!!! She claims she has been keeping up with me, and the to do lists have been accomplished!!
