Thursday, August 12, 2010

My Dog Affair

Everyone that knows me, knows that I am not particularly keen to dogs. I like them, but I have never had one, so it takes some time for me to warm up to them. Katie Smallpage Gilly and Charlotte Smallpage are the reason I do not love them. Katie and Charlotte were scared of them growing up, frightfully scared that they would scream and cry when one came around. While I have never screamed or cried, I guess I just became scared of them at a young age because they were. Now they have a dog named Tootsie. Go figure.

Keep in mind that I went to a school that treats dogs like people, Sewanee. So Wilson and Leroy and a few other Sewanee dogs are favorites of mine. But, my primary love is the Doogmeister. Doogie is my Aunt Deborah's dog, and he is just the best. He keeps her company all of the time, and he celebrates Christmas with the Morgan and attends a few back yard BBQ's.

(I think I am starting to embarass myself on this blog)

I did just fall in love with this dog at the Lords of the Manor. It is a Fox Terrier, and if I ever have a dog, this will be the one. I think he is just the cutest thing ever, and my sister reminded me he looks like Patches, my stuffed dog she gave me many years ago.

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