Thursday, November 18, 2010

Hairspray at Newman

My Newman friends, Lauren, Lawton and Elizabeth, invited me to their school tonight to see Hairspray, the musical.  If you are free tomorrow or Saturday at 7PM, I highly recommend seeing it.  The students did a fabulous job, and some of the voices will knock your socks off (and I have seen the play on Broadway!). 

I bet you can only imagine how it gave me a bug to want to be in a to accomplish?!  Do any of my friends want to come over and play drama class with me? 

Many of you may not know this fact, but I was the understudy for Wendy (Rachel Foley) in the play Peter Pan at Sacred Heart in eighth grade.  For some reason, Rachel couldn't perform at the last minute, and I was able to assume the role as Wendy.  It was one of my proudest moments, and I still remember the light blue nightgown that I wore.  The itch is on to perform again!  Here is a link to my favorite song in the movie.  I bet you can just see me now!!

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