Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Buncolicious Babes in the Lion's Den

It has officially been one rotation of our bunco group. We started the year at Olivia Guider's house and ended at my house for a patriotic celebration on July 1. We've progressed from home to home enjoying Thomas's famous BBQ, Mrs. Fabacher's chicken salad (our only chaperoned bunco affair), Shelby's Naked Pizza and Courtney's Pinkberry. We've had a few subs along the way including Katie Gilly, Julie Terrell, Rachel Africk, and my sweet sister Ashley. Shelby, although we never see you, we promise we won't vote you off the island and replace you with a sub. Instead, you'll just have to take us with you on your next private plane ride to North Carolina.

To name a few of our accomplishments:

Lauren Wakeman mastered the art of playing by herself, and Taylor Houser finally won the last game. Only because Jeanne was her partner.

We had an incredible Christmas exchange where the two most beloved prizes were a Saints t-shirt in way too small of a size for Lawton's boobies and a scale. OK, the scale might not have been beloved, just random, especially because this wasn't Dirty Santa we were playing. What was the mysterious gifter trying to subtly hint? That we or one or all needed to loose weight in the New Year?

Jeanne, Simone, Kristi and Olivia have or are soon to pop little ones out of their tummies.

So far, 2 of them are boys, and my guess is the other two will be too. So much for the next generation of bunco players, but maybe it was mama coming home with the jackpot that got the baby here!

In July, we head to the Halfway House in Pass Christian to test our bunco skills across America. If Jeanne doesn't win the pot, perhaps we'll all feel a bit lucky and head down to the Casina. Lawton, don't forget your permission slip.

Simone, Thomas's baby mama

The patriotic app - goat cheese, rasberry jam, blueberries and walnuts

Elaine, Courtney, Ashley and Olivia

The Lion's Den (Margaret and Julie, if you are out there, how did Lawton know about the Lion's Den??!)


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