Monday, August 2, 2010

The 35 GBP Cab Ride

Mom, Ash and I got a late start on Wednesday morning after our big Tuesday night out. Mom had big plans for tourist attractions, Ash and I intended to get out of them. So, in an attempt to not feel like such failures at touring London, we hailed a cab and made the driver drive us around Buckingham Palace to see the Changing of the Guards. Ash and Mom hopped out of the cab to get close, while I held the cab, but the police officers made us drive on and it was kind of a freaky chase to get mom and Ash back in the cab before we were all potentially separated from one another for the rest of the day. After they got back in the cab, the cab driver chased the horses around the Palace, and we got a legit close up view.

Then, it was back to the Angel area where we went to the Antique markets in Camden Park. We spent a good three hours there, much longer than we should have, but we got some good loot. P.S. In Camden Park, we found the equivalent to the British Pinkberry, but not nearly as cool, not to worry!

We then left the area lugging a huge bag full of antique silver through several tube stops to end up at Cafe Pasta (so unlike the Morgans) in Covent Gardens.

After a wonderful lunch of portabello mushrooms with cheese and pesto, antipasti platter, pizza, pasta and salad, the Morgan's headed to what is now their new favorite store, Orla Kiley. My new favorite store is Liberty of London. Such a cool department store. Normally, I think trinkets in a department store are rubbish, but I swear I wanted every single thing in the store.

Orla Kiely

Liberty of London

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