Thursday, December 29, 2011

Miracle on Chartres Street

On Saturday, December 17th, my mom, sister and I were lunching at Sylvain with a bunch of old friends.  Sylvain is our favorite restaurant, the ambiance, the menu, the wine, the procesco, the historic building, and the American flag on the wall to boot, but it really became our favorite restaurant when Dylan McDermott walked in and sat at the bar to have lunch.  My sister's favorite movie is Miracle on 34th, and Dylan played the role of the sweet and handsome Mr. Bedford, who basically saved Christmas for precious little Susan Walker.  Well, he did the same for Ashley Morgan on that beautiful December afternoon on Chartres Street in New Orleans. 

So as not to make a scene in true Morgan fashion...I discreetly handed the manager of Sylvain this note to pass along to Mr. McDermott....

and look what we got out of it!  Merry Christmas Ashley!  Thanks to Dylan for cooperating with us rowdy girls in the restaurants.  We have always been fans, and we will remain fans forever more!

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