Sunday, June 27, 2010

London - The UK

The Morgan family - Lynn, Digges, Taylor and Ashley - will be traveling to London on July 19. I haven't been to London since September 2004, when I went with my European Studies crew, for a disastrous weekend. I call it disastrous because we stayed at the Ashburn Kingston hotel. Blood stain sheets, roaches, and bathrooms down the hall. Needless to say, we took the tube back to Oxford to our comfortable beds after our 5 star dinner at Le Caprice to celebrate Michael McNeil's birthday. Actually, that was the second to last time I went. I was back again in October 2004, after traveling to Greece, Turkey and Italy, when I drank Kir Royale's with my friend Liz Eggers and attended the London Ballet with the ES peeps wrapping up a wonderful continental tour.

My mother is emailing anyone and everyone she knows to make this the best trip to London possible - no roaches and blood for the Morgans! She is also reading every travel book known to man. If you have any recommendations on London, please send my way so I can impress her with my knowledge and interest.

I am responsible for planning a day trip to Oxford, but that's easy. I lived there for 6 weeks. Show the fam
Ben's Cookies and the Alpha Bar in the covered market, the lush gardens and dining halls of every college at Oxford, the Purple Turtle, and well, its a done deal.

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