Sunday, June 27, 2010

Take Me Out to the Ball Game

Corey's Brother Martin buddy, Corey, and me

This Spring, I had the privilege of serving as a buddy for Miracle League of Greater New Orleans. I cannot express to you how rewarding this experience was. When I met Corey, my buddy, boy was he shy. And boy did he fool me. He was quite the ham. Breaking out into song and dance, shaking his hands in front of his face as a sign of intimidation, doing full out splits, and hitting home runs out of the park. He made every Thursday night a night to look forward to. I am looking forward to Fall when the League starts again. I encourage you to consider becoming a buddy or sponsor. Here are some pictures from our awesome day at Brother Martin. They hosted Miracle League for a fundraiser and a day at the ball park.

Some of the other participants in the program:

Corey, Joey, and Jared (Jared was Ashley's buddy and he was the one on the team who blossomed the most. Precious guys!!)

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