Sunday, July 11, 2010


Kickball is a really fun game, if organized by your two besties - Kim and Jennifer - for a birthday party on a Saturady afternoon with a big group of friends. WAKA Kickball is another story. Sacred Heart girls, other than Celeste Laborde, don't really know what intense sports are like. Or at least my Sacred Heart girls. We like to go out, shoot a few hoops, hit a few balls, and then take a break for a beer. In fact, maybe we don't because I can't really remember the last time we went out to shoot a few hoops or hit a few balls.

WAKA is intense. There are so many rules, a lot of mud, and so many people who take this game so seriously. In some ways, I feel like I let Jessica Ibert, Captain of Breesus Disciples, down for failing to show up for the majority of this seasons games, but on the other hand, I don't know how much help I would have been if I did in fact show up. Since I haven't really experienced what it is truly like to be a WAKA kickball, other than the fact that I think its a little bizarre that we play against a group of bartenders from Larry Flynt's Hustler club, please stand by for a guest post from the Duchess of Gentilly.

After kickball, you challenge the team to a game of flip cup. Now that's one thing that my Sacred Heart girls can do is play flip cup. In this game, we are competitive. However, we, meaning Eliza, really, got our butts kicked the other night by a Carey Prejean look alike who wanted to challenge a team of five because it was his birthday. Eliza, even though she -- and Alex Clark -- single handed organized one of the most impressive flip cup tournaments complete with t-shirts and the national anthem, failed to beat this kid. I guess we operate better when we are on our own turf.

I will say that for those who did get out and play - mainly Eugene and Jessica and Jennifer Scanlon and Anne and some kids we recruited when we played next to them on a more relaxed game of kickball one Saturday, April 17 - you represented us well. For a while, Breesus Disciples was in the running for a trip to Nationals in Las Vegas, but sadly, I think we might end up there for a bachelorette party before we do for a game of competitive kickball.

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