Monday, August 16, 2010

HandsOn New Orleans

HandsOn New Orleans (HONO) is an organization that I actively support.  The mission of the organization is to transform communities through volunteer service and leadership development.  The non-profit organizes and coordinates volunteer opportunities for people on the go, provide volunteer housing and corporate volunteer opportunities, among many other things.  If you have an hour, a half day, a day or a couple of days, visit the project calendar for an opportunity that fits your interest.

HandsOn New Orleans signature event is Principal for a Day.  Principal for a Day pairs local business and community leaders with school principals in order to observe the daily challenges and achievements in New Orleans public schools. We seek dynamic and socially engaged professionals for this event in order to build sustainable and mutually beneficial partnerships with local schools.

As an acting principal for a day, individuals shadow a local school principal for a half-day on November 12, 2010. Past participants have assisted with the morning announcements, led career awareness sessions with students, and observed staff meetings, band practices and classrooms. Following the event, all participants are invited to a luncheon to reflect on their experiences and discuss opportunities for partnership building throughout the year.

HandsOn New Orleans encourages business and community leaders to stay involved with their partner schools following the event and provides support for individuals seeking to volunteer or plan large scale projects with their school. As a result of the 2009 event, acting principals for a day have secured grants to purchase garden beds for a school, brought in accomplished speakers, mentored students, contributed personal donations, and acted as board members on school event planning committees. These contributions have had an incredible impact on New Orleans public schools.

If you are interested in becoming a Principal for a Day, please contact me.  Also, please join us at Ralph's on the Park this Thursday, August 19, 2010 to learn more about HandsOn New Orleans and Principal for a Day.  Ralph's has developed a HandsOn signature cocktail and 20% of the proceeds from the evening will be donated to HandsOn.  While our event at Ralph's is on Thursday evening, the cocktail is available the entire month of August with 20 percent of the proceeds benefiting HONO.  Props to Ralph's for developing such a great concept! 

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