Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Dear Dad, You Made My Day

Started the morning much earlier than I normally do.  I hopped in the shower and headed to Starbucks before I made my way downtown for my breakfast event at Second Line Stages.  I was standing in line at Starbucks, and a man comes up behind me and puts his arms around me.  Startled, I turned my head to see my Dad.  There was such a warm feeling to run into your dad, at a coffee shop, on a cold morning before a big event.  He bought my coffee and oatmeal, gave me a hug, wished me luck and sent me on my way.  The moment felt like a Folger's commercial, but with Starbucks feeling the love.

After a successful event, a day at the office, and hourblast class, I arrive home to two roommates with a fire burning in the inactive fire [more about that next] and Dad's delicious "Jewish Father's Chicken Noodle Soup" which he sent me home with last night.  Perfect day, Perfect Dad.

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