Wednesday, June 30, 2010

The Books on my Bedside Table

Pretty self-explanatory, if you know me. But, I was kind of shocked to see them all stacked up there together. Same themes and all. Of course, I am in the middle of every single one. Lone Survivor by Marcus Lutrell, All's Fair by Mary Matalin and James Carville, American Sketches by Walter Isaacson, Intellectual Devotional of American History, Great Political Wit by Bob Dole, and Dear First Lady. On my other beside table, a billion TIME magazines that I am trying to finish. Oh, and if you're wondering, the boy in the picture with me is my dad.

Sunday, June 27, 2010

I Have Been Summoned

I think the city of New Orleans read my mind. I was just thinking the other day how I couldn't believe I have gone this long without being called for jury duty. They called me. Surely this will be interesting, but not nearly as nice as Liz Garrison's lunch on the St. Tammany Parish government while serving jury duty. I am a very civic oriented person, and I would typically love to serve on a jury, for the joy of the experience. But this comes at the wrong time. See post entitled London - The UK.

Take Me Out to the Ball Game

Corey's Brother Martin buddy, Corey, and me

This Spring, I had the privilege of serving as a buddy for Miracle League of Greater New Orleans. I cannot express to you how rewarding this experience was. When I met Corey, my buddy, boy was he shy. And boy did he fool me. He was quite the ham. Breaking out into song and dance, shaking his hands in front of his face as a sign of intimidation, doing full out splits, and hitting home runs out of the park. He made every Thursday night a night to look forward to. I am looking forward to Fall when the League starts again. I encourage you to consider becoming a buddy or sponsor. Here are some pictures from our awesome day at Brother Martin. They hosted Miracle League for a fundraiser and a day at the ball park.

Some of the other participants in the program:

Corey, Joey, and Jared (Jared was Ashley's buddy and he was the one on the team who blossomed the most. Precious guys!!)

London - The UK

The Morgan family - Lynn, Digges, Taylor and Ashley - will be traveling to London on July 19. I haven't been to London since September 2004, when I went with my European Studies crew, for a disastrous weekend. I call it disastrous because we stayed at the Ashburn Kingston hotel. Blood stain sheets, roaches, and bathrooms down the hall. Needless to say, we took the tube back to Oxford to our comfortable beds after our 5 star dinner at Le Caprice to celebrate Michael McNeil's birthday. Actually, that was the second to last time I went. I was back again in October 2004, after traveling to Greece, Turkey and Italy, when I drank Kir Royale's with my friend Liz Eggers and attended the London Ballet with the ES peeps wrapping up a wonderful continental tour.

My mother is emailing anyone and everyone she knows to make this the best trip to London possible - no roaches and blood for the Morgans! She is also reading every travel book known to man. If you have any recommendations on London, please send my way so I can impress her with my knowledge and interest.

I am responsible for planning a day trip to Oxford, but that's easy. I lived there for 6 weeks. Show the fam
Ben's Cookies and the Alpha Bar in the covered market, the lush gardens and dining halls of every college at Oxford, the Purple Turtle, and well, its a done deal.

Famous People I Know

Grace Clayton, a crazy friend from Nashville, is trying to be the next Oprah. She submitted her video online, you can vote here. She also flew to Dallas to try out. The silly production assistants only gave her 10 seconds. Clearly they don't know just how powerful Grace is. So to convince them they need her, we're starting a letter writing campaign. Trust me, I worked in the Correspondence office of both the President and Mrs. Bush, so I know how effective letter writing campaigns can be. If Oprah doesn't notice, surely Gayle will and she'll help make Grace a star. Buy your caardvark card, handmade by Natalie Baxter (Lexington, KY native and fellow TKPer). Send it to Oprah. The deadline is July 13.

Sunday Morning

This morning I slept late, finished watching Valentine's Day, and decided to walk to the neighborhood bakery, Laurel Street Bakery. I love to shop local, and that's why I love New Orleans. Almost everything in here is local in origin. Laurel Street Bakery has beautiful breads, and here is a sample. I purchased the loaf of bread because it reminded me of my friend Bethany Baxter, from Sewanee, who would bake fresh bread in the kitchen at the Wheat House, the TKP (Theta Kappa Phi) soroity house. That's a local sorority for you KKG's who are wondering. Like I said, I like to keep it local.

Saturday, June 26, 2010

SATC in the Big Easy

It had been a month since I had been out in New Orleans. Not really a long time, but it felt like it. In need of a good night out, I grabbed 4 of my girlfriends and hit the town. We started our night out how most people decide to spend a night in. With a movie. But this was not just any movie, and not just at any theatre. The chick flick: Sex and the City 2. The place: the Theatres at Canal Place.

Really and truly I can't think of a better night with my girlfriends. Dressed, of course, in white jeans and frilly summer tops, we met at the bar for drinks. I was running late, naturally. We had reservations for the front row. The front row, while still a bit straining on the eyes, has ottomans. The friend with size 11 feet said this was a must. Indeed it was. Posh seats and waiters to deliver cocktails and delicious Mediterranean fare while watching a movie full of stunning clothes and picturesque scenes with your girlfriends...a girl could not ask for more. Well, she could, a closet full of SATC clothes, and, world peace.

While most people have ixnayed Sex and the City 2, its still a must see. If you don't go see it, its like breaking up with a best friend. How could you? They helped you in good times and in bad. You must return the favor. In true Samantha, Carrie, Charlotte, Miranda style, after the movie, Erin, Kim, Courtney, Megan and I hit the town.
Courtney told us she wanted to introduce us to the cocktail wizard. We were instantly intrigued. She lead us to the sleek new Iris. I did not taste the food, but if the food is as palate pleasing as the decor is visual pleasing than hands down this might be my favorite new restaurant. With a quick look at the menu to see delicacies like foie gras, gnocchi, and duck confit, I instantly knew we could become best friends, especially since my new office is conveniently located ac cross the street. Now to find the boy to take me there...

The cocktail wizard was indeed a cocktail wizard. Have you ever had pine needles crushed into your margarita? Right. Like I said, a wizard, and my frothy tequila concoction magically appeared in a beautiful old glass. Each cocktail comes in a one-of-a-kind glass, and I was slightly envious of the scavenger who rummaged antique stores or garage sales to find glasses circa 1950 to make these beautiful masterpieces. I had to snap a few pictures of this beauty, and that's when I turned into the paparazzi and my friends told me I should start a blog.

Thank you friends, you convinced me to do the one thing I have been wanting to do for so long.

Unique is probably the best word to describe this restaurant. The wallpaper, the cocktail glasses, the jars of goodies on the bar, the colors, the chairs and tables, including the maitre'd. H
e looked like he hadn't showered in several days, but for some reason, it didn't bother me. He made me feel like I had been whisked off to Paris for a night of fun, and I thanked him profusely when we departed for Felipe's, the budget friendly Mexican restaurant next door owned by friend in tow, Courtney.

Right before we
left Iris for Felipe's, Celie and Courtney, the posh owners of the newest Pinkberry store in New Orleans, found out they received a 100% score on their mysterious Pinkberry shopper review. No Pinkberry's get 100%. It just doesn't happen. And, this is their second one in the three short months they had been open. Definitely a cause to celebrate. So, after a complimentary margarita on the house, we decided to step it up a notch and head to the Hermes Bar at Antoine's. Reagan Kostmayer surprised the Stumm girls with a bottle of Veuve, and it was at that point the wheels came off. From there, we headed to Absinthe House and then I left Courtney to meet Erin and Megan at Lafite's since we failed to stay together in the beginning. If you haven't been to Lafitte's, its a must. The purple daqs take like Robitussin, but they are deliciously sick.
Needless to say, the night was a total success. Love my girls and love my hometown.

Someother snapshots of the night:

Erin, the bride-to-be of our group, thought I had lost it when I snapped a picture of her shoes, but it wouldn't be SATC in the Big Easy without a picture of shoes.

Lucky Dogs, a French Quarter staple, will always remind me of Katie and Cameron Gilly.

The history lover that I am had to have a picture in front of the Court House. Beautiful building in the FQ.